Certified Arborist

Certified ArboristCertified arborists are widely recognized professionals.  They are educated and trained in:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of your landscape problems
  • Proper pruning and management techniques for your landscape plants
  • Understanding tree biology
  • Identifying and selecting the appropriate plants for your landscape
  • Installation and establishment of plants for your landscape
  • Understanding the delicate soil and water requirements that affect plant health
  • Nutritional requirements and fertilization techniques to keep your plants in peak form
  • Recognizing tree hazards and construction damage

To maintain and beautify the world around us, residential properties, commercial properties or the town you live in, certified arborists are there to help you.

To qualify as an ISA Certified Arborist®, an experienced plant health care professional must pass an extensive examination developed by an international panel of experts in the industry and academia.  The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) maintains this voluntary certification program.

The education program does not stop with testing.  An ISA Certified Arborist must keep abreast of new technology by attending seminars and reviewing the latest publications to obtain necessary continuing education credits.

In today’s fragile environment, an ISA Certified Arborist can maintain your landscape and help you preserve the aesthetic and ecological value of your trees and shrubs.

Not all arboriculture firms have ISA Certified Arborists on their staff. When choosing a tree care firm, do not hesitate to ask any prospective arborist to see their ISA Certification Identification Card.